We exist to improve children’s behavioral health across
our region.
The New England Children’s Behavioral Health Network has a vision of a system of care that is
preventive, upstream, collaborative, accessible, equitable and family-centered. Through our advocacy
and network-building we work to improve children’s behavioral health across the region.

Preventative Collaborative Accessibile Equitable Family-centered
Children’s behavioral health is our priority.
We know that the fragmentation of children’s behavioral health care is not unique to one state. The Network’s collaborative, regional approach allows us to bring together stakeholders to learn and pool resources. Our stakeholders are currently located across Rhode Island, Connecticut and Massachusetts.
We focus on three key areas needed to drive change:
Family and
Community Assets
Access and The
Continuum of Care
Health Workforce
We envision a different system for children’s behavioral health.
By bringing together health care providers, payers, schools, community organizations and policy makers, we can change the system. We want to ensure that children and families receive preventive care and support in their communities, and to move away from our current, crisis-driven system.
Participating Organizations:
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