Howard Sovronsky, LCSW

Chief Behavioral Health Officer, Connecticut Children’s

For more than 30 years, Howard Sovronsky, a clinical social worker, has been a champion for enhancing access to behavioral health care across portions of the State of New York, serving in a variety of leadership roles. As the Commissioner of the Nassau County Department of Mental Health and Developmental Disabilities, he directed a comprehensive network of hospital and community mental health services for children, families and adults. In addition, he oversaw a comprehensive system of care for individuals with developmental and intellectual challenges.

Prior to his appointment, Mr. Sovronsky served as Director of Nassau County Division of Forensic Mental Health, a nationally recognized Court Consultation Service and Correctional Mental Health Clinic. With an inter-disciplinary team of examiners, the Division served all criminal, civil and Family Courts providing mental health assessment, consultation and expert testimony

Mr. Sovronsky had the privilege of serving as President of the National Association of Forensic Mental Health and Chair of the Annual Conference. For many years, he consulted throughout New York State as well as with the Federal Bureau of Prisons on Suicide Prevention and Correctional Mental Health.

After retiring from his role as Commissioner, he assumed the role of Vice President for Behavioral Health at Nassau Health Care Corporation where he was responsible for all mental health care at a large municipal hospital. In Connecticut, he served as Chief Operating Officer of CHR (formerly Community

As Connecticut Children’s Chief Behavioral Health Officer, his work includes: strategic planning, supporting the behavioral health clinical teams, system development, government relations and representing the health system on a variety of state oversight committees.


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